The MIT Media Lab Emerging Worlds Special Interest Group (SIG) seeks the support of organizations and individuals who believe in using bottom-up technology innovation to solve pressing problems worldwide. Our members share our commitment, passion and vision. Through collaboration we can help improve the lives and livelihoods of people around the world in new ways – giving them tools to innovate and to empower themselves and members of their communities.
The proliferation of mobile devices and wide connectivity, as well as the availability and growth of machine learning, crowdsourcing, Big Data, and the Internet of Things, offer new possibilities for research and development. In both developed and Emerging Worlds, there is a great opportunity for game-changing innovations that will impact billions.
Empower Smart Citizens
Fostering the innovation process in multiple locations to empower citizens and address pressing challenges takes capital. The advancement of technological innovation — whether it’s in health, education, financial inclusion, food and agriculture, housing, transportation, or local business— does not come without cost.
The Emerging Worlds SIG seeks the help of organizations and individuals who believe in the importance of Innovating for Billions. Your support makes an immediate impact on our efforts to make a huge impact globally. This work will generate ideas for MIT Media Lab students to research, it will enable innovations to scale more quickly, and it will create competitive advantage for our members.